
Introduction to the Divination by Tea-Leaves

Practice and Method of Reading The Cup

General Theories in Reading The Cup

Divination by Tea-Leaves as an Amusement and as a More Serious Study

Some hints For Diviners. Remarkable Instances of Prophecy By The Tea-Leaves

Writing in the Tea-Leaves. Some Frequent Symbols

The "NELROS" Cup. Two Example Readings Of Its Signs

A Dictionary of Symbols

Some Combinations Of Symbols and Their Meaning

Some Example Cups With Their Interpretations





"For a man's mind is sometimes wont to tell him more
than seven watchmen that sit above in a high tower."

To those of an inquiring or doubting turn of mind, there may arise the very natural question as to why one shaped tea-leaf should mean "a hat" and another "a table." It is useless to point out that these objects are perfectly represented by the leaves. That is of no practical satisfaction. The simple fact that each language has its alphabet, its spelling, and its words, which must be learned before there can be any reasonable understanding of it, seems the best and obvious reply.

Symbolism is a wide subject with many branches. Who can expect to master even its alphabet in a moment? To those who cannot accept the symbols in the tea-leaves on the authority of past experience, reaching over several centuries, I would recommend a careful study of their cups for, say, three months. Let them make notes of such signs as appear and beside them place their meanings and predictions.
At the end of this time, compare all that has taken place with these notes, and I think there will be no further lack of faith in the tea-leaf symbols.

Before very many years have passed the language of symbolism by cards, tea-leaves, crystal gazing, etc., will probably be almost universally understood. The day will undoubtedly come when it will be accepted as naturally as the English language, and we shall cease to worry ourselves as to the why and wherefore of it all.

It is important that those who are learning the art of divination by tea-leaves should realise the necessity for consistently attributing the same meanings to the symbols. Do not be tempted to change their interpretation for what may seem a more probable, or pleasant, prediction for your client. It is a fatal mistake.

Remember that you are dealing with conditions and events of the future which are outside the limited knowledge of the normal mind, whose power of vision is limited to physical sight.

A simple instance of what may occur, should you thus change the meanings of the symbols, will suffice to show the folly of such a practice.

A consultant comes to have her "fortune read." She is known to you personally, and you are aware that she is anxious to hear a hopeful report of someone dear to her who is ill. The tea-leaf symbols are obstinately unfavourable, and display ominous signs of forthcoming sorrow. If you gloss over this fact completely, and predict a rapid recovery from the illness, what becomes of your client's faith in the power of foretelling the future? Certain it is that the symbols would be right in their verdict, and you would be wrong.

It is usually easier to prophesy smooth things rather than unpleasant facts, but to do this in the face of obvious contradictions will lead to disaster in foretelling the future.

Divination by tea-leaves or cards has the candour to be frankly disagreeable when necessary. This is one great argument in favour of its unerring truthfulness. There is no means by which symbols may be coaxed into proclaiming false statements.

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